Listener Candidate
Name: |
Richard Borges
Qualifications: |
On the board of his church, working with the city
on affordable housing for the unhoused
Endorsements: |
The Good Governance Coalition
Statement: |
I know what it's like to come from a poor background, to be a person of color, to drop out of high school, to get a GED, and join the military as a way out of poverty. I also know what it's like to work for the prison system because the pay and benefits are great. I also know what it's like to go back to college as an older adult and receive a Bachelor's degree in communication, but more importantly, I know what it's like to discover that I am progressive in my political ideology from the ripe age of eight years old and to carry those beliefs into careers dominated by more conservative colleagues. I see multi-billionaires in a country with more than half a million homeless as a moral and systemic failure; something we can't ignore much longer, along with climate change. The threats to humanity are mostly all driven by human behavior, which means that the solution is driven by human behavior. We don't need to wait until it's so hot and humid that humans will start to suddenly die; something that scientists have discovered is happening with more frequency. I stand with BLM, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because it's well damn time. African-Americans cannot and should not wait any longer for a proper seat at the table. I'm a firm believer that by insisting that black people get treated with respect, other marginalized groups will also find their voices and demand the same. Our white brothers and sisters are perfect allies in this struggle and should always be seen as such. Too many people mistakenly assume that they are not. Let's all work together for a country that knows how to treat each other and expand from there to a world that benefits from that. I am a recurring donating member of KPFK and I have been listening since 2003. I truly believe that our democracy is in serious peril right now and that this radio station is vital for its survival. There is no other like it.
Answers to Candidate Questionnaire
What experience, connections, skills or traits would you bring to the local station board to advance the station's mission?
I currently sit on the board at my small church in Redlands, California, and we are part of the homelessness solution. Before the pandemic, we were the only church in the city to offer shelter for women and children. Today we are partnering with the mayor's office, the University of Redlands, and other organizations to address this issue at a much grander scale. There has to be a sustainable solution for this problem, and by working with others, I believe I possess the skills to find solutions for our own problems as a radio station.
- What do you appreciate and value in the station's current operations?
I appreciate the morning news segment the most out of all other programmings. It is when most drivers listen to the news on their radio. If these were 'usual times' I could probably skip a day or two from listening, but not anymore. The threat to our democracy is front and center and I believe that KPFK does a great job at getting that out to our listeners. So, I appreciate that KPFK is doing its current best to keep the radio station alive.
- What would you like to see improved or changed in the station's current operations?
Of course, like every listener of KPFK, I would like to see the radio station cut down on this constant on-air fundraising that takes away from reporting on current news that affects us all. We must find a way to raise the funds necessary to fund this station.
- Describe what you anticipate would be your top three priorities or areas of focus if you were elected to the local station board.
- Get our finances in order. I deal with this at my church. If the funds aren't there, or if the funds are being directed to areas that are up for further consideration then we need to look at it again. I am confident that we can find or create funding sources without driving our listeners mad.
- I would like to see longer blocks of time dedicated to reporting the news. The right-wing corporate media will not let up and neither should we. Our listeners deserve to know what they are up against and they won't if we aren't airing the kind of programming that gets them to mobilize.
- The staff at KPFK must know that the board supports them in every way. They too have bills and families to take care of, and it is our responsibility to make their pay and benefits competitive.
- Sustainability is an important part of any nonprofit operation. What are your thoughts on how the board can help to improve the station's financial footing?
The on-air fundraising has reached its maximum potential in its current form. I suggest that we aggressively seek out star power to promote fundraising for the station. I occasionally hear Jack Black and Danny Glover, and I am grateful for that, but we need to use our connections to get others stars to fundraise for the station. I believe that right now is the perfect time for such an endeavor.
Is there anything else you would like prospective voters to know?
As I look back at my life, I have been part of one marginalized group after another; each having its own unique challenges. Today it's age, a group I have found to be the only one in which discrimination is societally accepted; that is not OK. I would like to see the term 'Elderly' replaced with the word 'Elder'.