Good Governance Coalition

Objectives of the
Good Governance Coalition for KPFK


The Good Governance Coalition for KPFK is a group of listener members, programmers, paid and unpaid staff, and volunteers who have come together to help preserve and promote KPFK radio.

KPFK, a voice of the voiceless, is dedicated to quality, non-commercial, listener-sponsored broadcasting.  It is the home of First Amendment Radio, based on the Pacifica Foundation Mission Statement and governed by the Local Station Board whose representatives are democratically elected.

To better serve the Pacifica Mission, the Coalition’s objectives are to restore and solidify sound governance, accountable management, and healthy finances, by encouraging and supporting compelling radio that expands listenership and membership.

As communication models and technologies change, KPFK must serve as a bridge between two generations of media and two generations of listeners, as the experienced boomers and seniors pass the baton and the mission to the young who see, listen, communicate, and act differently.

We on this Coalition work together to pass on a stronger, healthier, more useful, and more necessary KPFK.