The Social Uplift Foundation
Please show your support for our work with a financial donation.

Donate via the Internet


Note: You do not have to use PayPal
After you click on a "Donate" button above,
at the bottom left of the next page,
the PayPal page, will be these icons
VisaMastercard American Express DiscoverPayPal
Click continue and you can
make your donation using a credit card.
Donate by mailing a check
Make the check payable to:
  Social Uplift Foundation
include memo: SUF
mail it to:

Social Uplift Foundation 1459 Rexford Dr. # 2
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Please contact us if you have any question. To send us an email click  here 

The Social Uplift Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. All funds donated to the Foundation are tax deductible. To see more about our policies, purposes, and projects go to  About SUF  and view the videos and articles archived on our site The SUF website.